Relocation of Kiln Inlet Gas sampling Point and Analyzer Probe

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Relocation of Kiln Inlet Gas sampling Point and Analyzer Probe


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– Kiln inlet is the best spot for gas analysis for better process monitoring. An accurate monitoring of process gasses at kiln inlet is of prime importance for optimized operation.

– For better analysis of gas the probe of gas analyzer should be installed at correct location, close to kiln seal on the side where the kiln wall is turning downwards (0-400mm in front of the seal and up to 200 mm beyond the seal).

– Chakwal Inlet analyzer position is not as per standard. The probe is located inside kiln inlet chamber wall towards the side of kiln moving downwards.

– Probe blockage is also a chronic issue being faced. This issue is because of installation of probe inside kiln inlet Chamber. Dust content inside kiln inlet chamber is on higher side.

– This was highlighted by Mr. Anis Haider (ITECA expert) and Mr. Sajjad Ullah (Team Leader Optimization Pakcem).

– World wide references are available for installation of Gas analyzer probe inside beyond Kiln Inlet seal. (FLS +ITECA)

– Comparison between technically sister plants KOHAT Cement and GHARIBWAL cement have installation of gas analyzer probe inside kiln inlet.

– At BCL Chakwal since feed enters from both side (A & B) feed pipes into Kiln inlet. Due to this design the probe location as per standard becomes critical.

– Relocation of Probe sampling point at Kiln inlet is possible. This provides an opportunity for plant optimization listed as under

1. Accurate analysis at kiln inlet.
2. Reducing the false air effect from Kiln inlet Seal.
3. Optimizing fuel consumption.
4. Optimizing power consumption
5. Reduce probe blockage.
6. More availability of Inlet gas Analyzer.


1-Gas analysis at Kiln Inlet for Process Optimization

Kiln inlet is the best spot for gas analysis for better process monitoring. An accurate monitoring of process gasses at kiln inlet will have following Key benefits

– Optimized fuel consumption
-Optimize quality
– Stable and safe kiln operation
– Kiln stop prevention
– Emission reduction

2- Selection of sample point for Gas Analyzer Probe

The sampling point for gas has to be taken in respect to following points

Representative air
– No influence of false air
– Mechanical impact of material fall through
– Risk of material build up
– Dust impact
-Condensation from volatiles
(FLSmidth, 2014) (Drawing Office Manual, 2008)

3- Location of Gas Analyzer Probe at Kiln Inlet

3.1- Standard location of Gas sampling probe at Kiln Inlet

The probe of gas analyzer should be installed at correct location, close to kiln seal on the side where the kiln wall is turning downwards (0-400mm in front of the seal and up to 200 mm beyond the seal). The probe head should be 200~400mm away from brick layer of rotary kiln. Sketch shows standard location of gas Analyzer

3.2- Sampling Point Probe installation (By ITECA)

The probe is installed so that its tip is beyond kiln inlet seal to avoid influence of inlet seal false air.

3.3- Design for Optimum probe location (Anis Haider ITECA)

4- Location of Gas sampling probe at Kiln Inlet of BCL Chakwal


Chakwal Inlet analyzer position is not as per standard. The probe is located inside kiln inlet chamber wall towards the side of kiln moving downwards. (Pictures attached of position of gas sampling probe at Kiln line # 2)

Ideally analyzer should take sample from inside the kiln to avoid false air impact of Kiln Inlet seal. Moreover probe blockage is also a chronic issue being faced at due to high dust load inside kiln inlet.

This was highlighted by Mr. Anis Haider (ITECA expert) and Mr. Sajjad Ullah (Team Leader Optimization Pakcem).


5- New Proposed Installed position of Inlet Gas Analyzer


6- Comparison with Technical Sister Plants

At BCL Farooqia and Pakcem the angle of installed Gas analyzer probe is similar. At both plants feed is entering at kiln inlet from one side.

At BCL Chakwal since feed enters from both side (A & B) feed pipes into Kiln inlet. Due to this design the probe location as per standard becomes critical. To understand the possibilities comparison is drawn from position of inlet Gas analyzer at technically sister plants.

6.1 Inlet Gas Analyzer Probe location at Kohat Cement (Technically sister Plant)


Kohat Cement is technically sister plant with same design of Kiln inlet and feed pipes. Figure compares the analyzer position and design of KOHAT Cement and BCL Chakwal.


6.2- Gharibwal Cement (Position of Kiln inlet Analyzer Probe)

Figure shows installation of probe at Gharibwal cement.

7- Recommendation:

Relocation of Probe sampling point at Kiln inlet is possible. This provides an opportunity for plant optimization. Relocation of gas analyzer will have following key benefits.

1. Accurate analysis at kiln inlet.
2. Reducing the false air effect from Kiln inlet Seal.
3. Optimizing fuel consumption.
4. Optimizing power consumption
5. Reduce probe blockage. (As at present probe blockage is due to its installation at high dust zone)
6. More available of Inlet gas Analyzer.


Anis Haider ITECA. (n.d.). Presentation on Inlet Gas Analyzer.
FLSmidth. (2014). Kiln Inlet Analyzer Presentation .
Office, G. A. (2008). Kohat and Gharibwal Cement

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