Feeder Survey (2)

Impact Flow Meter Weigh Feeder Air-lift System L-i-W System control concept volumetric gravimetric volumetric volumetric feed rates [t/h] up to 1000 up to 350 up to 500 up to1000 accuracy long term  2.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% accuracy short term at best  2.0% 2.0% at best 2.0% worse than 2.0% sensitivity to adjustments low 1.0% at best 1.0% low sensitivity to external effects high high low high system design closed open closed closed maintenance low high low high

Impact Flow Meter Weigh Feeder Air-lift System L-i-W
control concept volumetric gravimetric volumetric volumetric
feed rates [t/h] up to 1000 up to 350 up to 500 up to1000
long term  2.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0%
short term at best
 2.0% 2.0% at best
2.0% worse than 2.0%
to adjustments low 1.0% at best
1.0% low
sensitivity to external effects high high low high
system design closed open closed closed
maintenance low high low high

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