Kiln clinker Required burning zone temperature

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Kiln clinker Required burning zone temperature

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Cement clinker liquid phase
The liquid has a critical role in clinker nodulization and clinker mineral development and properties. Solid-solid reaction is very slow process while solid-liquid reaction kinetics is much faster, so without liquid phase the diffusion of Ca ions towards C2S would be extremely slow, and the conversion of C2S and free lime to C3S would be almost impossible in the kiln. The amount of liquid phase in the burning zone varies between 23% and 29%. Higher values can be damaging to most refractory bricks in the absence of a stable coating. As the brick is infiltrated and saturated with liquid, its elastic
modulus (relation between stress and strain) increases and so does its tendency to spall off. This simple fact explains why hotter than normal temperatures are so beneficial to clinkering and yet so harmful to the refractory lining as low viscosity liquid infiltrates the refractory lining faster, leading to its premature failure
🔸 at 1450°C = 3.0 A + 2.25 F + MgO + Na2O + K2O in case of MgO < 2.0
🔸 at 1450°C = 1.13 C3A + 1.35 C4AF + MgO + Alkalies ” some places submit SO3 and that is the most common formula”
Kiln case study,” understanding Ck” by Recardo A.mosci , C.F.B

we at infinity  for cement equipment update the book and reports and excel sheets and manuals every month and send them free if you bought the package, you buy it one time only and you get updates forever  click here now!! like this article , you will get it in decent pdf format when you purchase.


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